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College Students

Procedures and Policies

Recognizing that our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit, BU requires that its campus, faculty, staff, and students be drug-free. The school, including all departments and affiliated institutions within it, expressly prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance on the campus and premises. Violation of this policy will result in the immediate dismissal from the school of any student or employee involved in any of these activities. Employees must, as a condition of employment, abide by the above-stated policy and report any conviction under a criminal drug statute within five days of its occurrence. This report must be submitted to the Personnel Office.


Any student or employee using alcohol or the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs while on the properties owned or used by BU will be immediately dismissed. In addition, students or employees involved in such illegal activities are subject to legal prosecution under federal, state, and local law and may be liable for personal injuries or property damage that occur when participating in the above activities.

The school does not sponsor drug or alcohol counseling, treatment, or rehabilitation programs. Students and employees, however, should know that the Southern California area is blessed with many fine drug and alcohol counseling treatments and rehabilitation programs.


This policy is the acknowledgment of BU's compliance with Government Code Section 8355 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989 (Public Law 101-226.)


Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program Biennial Review_

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program 2024_


If a student has a concern, complaint, grievance, or a challenge to disciplinary or dismissal actions that he wishes to pursue, he should inform the Chair of Student Affairs. The Chair of Student Affairs will record the complaint and try to resolve the issue by himself or in cooperation with others. This may mean taking the issue to a faculty or administrative committee. Any resolution reached will also be recorded. A student may appeal the decision by submitting a written request informing the Chair of Student Affairs of his or her desire to appeal and why he or she thinks an appeal is appropriate.  The administration will form a committee by choosing two members from the administration or staff, two from the faculty and one from the student government.  If desired, the student may choose a committee member from any of these three categories.  Additionally, the student can reject one of the committee members chosen by the administration (e.g., if the complaint is against that potential committee member).  Minutes will be kept of all committee meetings.


Note that upon request the student has rights to the following:

  • A written statement of any charges against a student, reasons for discipline, reason for dismissal (to be provided upon request)

  • Copies of all committee minutes

  • The right to confront and cross-examine any witnesses

  • The right to call witnesses and character references

  • A written statement of the final decision


If the student feels that a grievance was not properly handled, he may contact any of the following agencies:


Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education

400 R Street Suite 5000

Sacramento, CA 95814-6200



Transnational Association of Colleges and Schools

15935 Forest Road
Forest, Virginia 24551

(434) 525-0539


Association for Biblical Higher Education

5850 T G Lee Blvd, Suite 130

Orlando, FL 32822

Non-Discrimination Policy


Non-discrimination Policy


Bethesda University Acknowledges that all persons are equally created in the image of God. Everyone has equal opportunity and access to BU’s education all programs and activities. The school does not discriminate on the basis of color, race, gender, ethnic background, age, handicaps or disabilities, marital or veteran status in any of its policies, procedures, or practices. Non-discrimination policy applies to admission policy, education programs, and all other activities that BU provides, only except is with respect to religion, wherein because Bethesda University is a Christian University, it does mandate that employees be of Christian faith.

The school provides full and affirmative compliance with the provision of Title VI of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975.

Services And Facilities Available to Students with Disabilities


Bethesda University is proud to assist students with disabilities, physical or intellectual, and is committed to accommodating their needs to the best of our abilities.  A student with documented disabilities is to bring documentation to the office of the academic dean so that the administration can work with the student in developing accommodation strategies to meet that student’s needs.  Appropriate documentation includes diagnosis by a certified professional (licensed medical physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or counselor), an IEP or a 504 plan from a public school system. The document must be on official letterhead and include a description of the limitations that are a result of the diagnosis and the recommended accommodations.

Once identified, a student with disabilities will be given extra accommodation by their instructors as needed (e.g., extra time on assignments and tests, extra meetings with the instructor, a quiet and less distracting location to do an assignment or complete a test, help with note-taking, etc.).  Special parking and use of the elevator is available.  While Bethesda University cannot provide personal assistants, devices, or transportation, we are happy to help identify organizations that can provide goods and services that can assist with one’s special educational needs.

Students with intellectual disabilities, depending on the degree of disability, may be encouraged to audit courses.  We do not offer special courses, certificates, or degrees specifically for students with intellectual disabilities.  Students with intellectual disabilities will study in the same on-campus or online classes as other students.

Dogs that are specifically trained as service animals to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability are allowed if the work or tasks performed by the service animal is directly related to the handler’s disability.  This can include services related to physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability.  This policy is designed to help in situations like providing a low-vision individual with navigation, assisting an individual during a seizure, or assisting a person with mobility issues with balance and stability.  A student desiring to use a service animal on campus must make an appointment to bring the animal to the academic dean for approval.  Documentation of an up-to-date vaccination and license will be required.  A mere sense of comfort, safety or emotional support does not qualify an animal for approval.  An animal that is disruptive or that poses a threat to others may be disapproved before or after being given initial approval.  The owner is responsible to be in control of the dog, pick up any animal waste, and is liable for any damage done by the service animal.

Location And Facilities


Bethesda’s main campus is located in Anaheim, in the heart of beautiful Southern California. It is less than 30 miles from downtown Los Angeles, America’s second-largest city, two hours from Mexico and minutes from world-renowned Disneyland. Anaheim is located within Orange County, which has over forty miles of coastline along the beautiful Pacific Ocean and enjoys a very comfortable climate your round. Orange County is the home of numerous recreational attractions including Disneyland, Knott’s Berry Farm, Edison Field (home of the California Angeles baseball team), and Arrowhead Pond (home field of the Mighty Ducks hockey team).

The campus facilities include a chapel, conference rooms, student lounge, computer lab, classrooms, lecture halls, and a library holding over 38,000 volumes. Students will be using computer labs, laptops, books, and other materials for their classroom lectures.

Bethesda University’s facilities (including restrooms and classrooms) are designed to permit handicapped persons to enroll and benefit from education. Handicapped parking provides convenient access to the building entrances. All campus facilities are wheelchair accessible.

Bethesda University is committed to assuring that students who meet the academic and technical requirements for admission to the University are not discriminated against and receive the accommodations required under Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. This means that we will engage in positive efforts to assure accommodations for students with disabilities throughout the application process and after enrollment.

Handicapped parking spaces are reserved for students, visitors, or employees who display an appropriate state-issued handicap placard or license plate.



Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act(FERPA)


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.         

​Bethesda University permits enrolled students visual access to previous educational records such as high school transcripts, college transcripts, SAT score reports and transcript of work completed at Bethesda University. This policy complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). To obtain transcript copies of work completed at Bethesda University, all financial obligations to the University must be paid in full.  An appointment with Academics Office is recommended.  


Parents or eligible students have the right to inspect and review the student's education records maintained by the school. The University is not required to provide copies of records unless, for reasons such as great distance, it is impossible for parents or eligible students to review the records. Schools may charge a fee for copies..


No other information contained in the student’s permanent educational record is released to others, including parents or spouse, without the written consent of the student, unless the student is claimed as a dependent. The only exceptions are staff members, administrative officers and faculty who have a legitimate professional right to the information. Bethesda University reserves the right to contract a student’s parent(s) or guardian(s) when a situation is deemed extreme, endangering the student or Bethesda University community.


Bethesda University considers the following to be “Directory Information” and may disclose such information to third parties without consent of the student unless the student has directed the University (in writing) not to release such information about him/her self: name, gender, enrollment status, permanent address, dates of enrollment, classification, degree programs, majors, date of graduation (anticipated or actual) from Bethesda University, telephone number and financial information.

A student’s academic record and placement file will be kept confidential by the Office of Academics.



i. In cases authorized by the student.

ii. In case of legal compulsion.​  

iii. In a situation where the safety of person or property is involved.



General questions and comments may be directed to the Office of Academics at 714-683-1212

Filing a Complaint

Family Policy Compliance Office:

U.S. Department of Education

 400 Maryland Avenue, SW

Washington, D.C. 20202-8520  

Notification of Student Rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy


FERPA and Directory Information Public Notice

 FERPA and Directory Information Public Notice

General Student Consent of Release of Educational Records

Consent of Release of Educational Records

Information Regarding Student Requests to Inspect Educational Records

 Information regarding student requests to inspect educational records


Bethesda University adheres to all requirements pertaining to the protection of personally identifiable information and other protected information in a student's education record.

However, pursuant to 34 CFR 99.36, the University is permitted to disclose, without student consent, the information in a student's education record including but not limited to personally identifiable, non-directory information in connection with a health or safety emergency.


The situation must present an imminent danger to a student or other or member of the University community in order to qualify for this exemption. The Chief Academic Officer or other authorized university personnel must approve such an exemption request. 


Bethesda University is prohibited under federal regulations from making any false, erroneous, or misleading statement directly or indirectly to a student, prospective student, member of the public, accrediting agency, state agency, or to the Department of Education. A misleading statement includes any statement that has the likelihood or tendency to deceive or confuse.

A statement is any communication made in writing, visually, orally, or through other means. This includes student testimonials given under duress or because such testimonial was required to participate in a program.

Federal regulations further provide that substantial misrepresentation is any misrepresentation on which the person to whom it was made could reasonably be expected to rely, or has reasonably relied on, to that person’s detriment.

The regulations regarding misrepresentation describe misrepresentation with respect to:​

Nature of the education program

Nature of financial charges

Employability of graduates

Relationship with the Department of Education. A Title IV eligible school may not describe its participation in a way that suggests approval or endorsement by the Department of Education of the quality of its educational programs.


The Office of Student Affairs maintains electronic copies of all promotional materials, including quotes and statements made by college personnel.


The Director of Financial Aid is responsible for the training of personnel under the director’s supervision regarding the misrepresentation of college financial aid information.

The Director of Admissions is responsible for the training of personnel under the director’s supervision regarding misrepresentation of admissions requirements and other college information.   


Disciplinary Action: Any violation of this directive will be taken seriously and the university will ensure that it is not repeated.

Any employee’s conduct resulting in disciplinary actions from misrepresentation activity will be documented in the Human Resources Department and maintained in the employee’s personnel file. 


Availability of Employees for Information Dissemination Purposes

The University is required to designate an employee or group of employees to assist enrolled or prospective students in obtaining all of the information specified below.


Institutional and Federal Financial Aid Information:

   (714) 683-1413, Office of Financial Aid


Students with Disability:

  (714) 683-1390, Office of General Affairs/ (714) 683- 1435, Office of Student Affairs


Campus Crime and Safety:

   (714) 683-1212 (ext.13390), Office of General Affairs



   (714) 683-1204, Admissions.


Employee Information:

    (714) 683-1390, Human Resources


Gainful Employment Information:

    (714) 683-1413, Office of Financial Aid


International Students:

    (714) 683-1204, Office of International Students


Graduation/Retention Rate:

    (714) 683-1402, Office of Register


Student Record Privacy and FERPA Information:

    (714) 683-1402, Office of Academics


Accreditation, Approval and Licensure of Institution and Programs:

    (714) 683-1462, Office of Academics, Chief Academic Officer


Information about Athletics:

    (714) 683-1211, Director of Athletics. Office of Athletics


Other inquiries should be directed to Hyoin Kim, Director of Financial Aid

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