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BU provides counseling and advisement in several areas under the responsibility of the Dean of Students:
*Personal/family/spiritual by the Dean of Students, Chaplain, faculty, referral.
*Academic Advisement by the faculty advisor, Chief Academic Officer.
*Vocational Counseling by the Dean of Students, faculty, Chaplain, referral.
*Financial Counseling by Student Accounts, referral to Financial Aid Counselor.
The following are BU’s counseling program’s general objectives:
To ensure that students feel comfortable in our school environment so that they may successfully pursue their studies at BU.
To provide them with emotional support.
To help them adjust to American culture and society.
To enhance, encourage, and build their pursuit of Christ-likeness.
To clarify any questions in regards to their vocational matters.
To offer guidance in helping them build a sense of direction for their future as Christian leaders.
Individual counseling and group counseling are available during the school year at designated hours. In an effort to assist the student with personal concerns and needs, we offer the following:
*A mentor program where students share their thoughts, problems, and concerns and class registration on guide for each semester with their assigned mentors during monthly meetings.
*Counseling by appointment with the Dean of Students.
Full-time faculties are required to maintain regular hours for advising students. Many of our professors are ordained pastors and can offer pastoral counseling. Students desiring to the counsel of a personal nature are encouraged to talk with faculty and administration concerning these issues.