The Campus Security Act (Public Law 102-26) requires postsecondary institutions to disclose the number of instances in which certain specific types of crimes have occurred in any building or on any property owned or controlled by this institution which is used for activities related to the educational purpose of the institution and or any building or property owned or controlled by student organizations recognized by this institution. In compliance with that law, the following reflects this institution's crime statistics for the period between 2001 to present
*Crimes of murder, manslaughter, arson, forcible rape and aggravated assault that show evidence of prejudice based on race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity or disability as by the Hate Crimes Statistical Act.
This institution does not employ campus security personnel but encourages both its employees and students to immediately report suspected criminal activity or other emergencies to the nearest available campus security officer, a school official and/or in the event of an emergency to directly contact local law enforcement or other emergency response agencies by dialing 911.
Only students, employees, and other parties having business with this institution should be on institutional property. Other individuals present on the institutional property at any time without the express permission of the appropriate institutional official(s) shall be viewed as trespassing and may as such be subject to a fine and/or arrest. In addition, students and employees present on institutional property during periods of non-operation without the express permission of the appropriate institutional official(s) shall also be viewed as trespassing and may also be subject to a fine and/or arrest.
Though this institution does not offer regularly scheduled crime awareness or prevention programs, students are encouraged to exercise proper care in seeing to their own personal safety and the safety of others.
This institution does not permit the sale, possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages on school property and adheres to and enforces all state underage-drinking laws. In addition, the institution does not permit the possession, use, or sale of illegal drugs by its employees and students and adheres to and enforces all state and federal drug laws. The violations of these policies by students or employees may result in expulsion, termination, and or arrest. Information concerning drug and alcohol abuse education programs are posted at the campus and is distributed annually to students and staff.